Judging Process

Judging Process

We recognise and respect the sensitive nature of the information submitted in the entries. Submissions are not disclosed or
discussed outside the judging process. We do not publish the names of companies, organisations or individuals that have
not been shortlisted for an Award, nor will we reproduce any information from your entry unless prior permission is given.

A comprehensive judging process has been put together to decide the worthy winners of the AFRICA GREEN BUSINESS AWARDS- AGBA. A distinguished panel of Judges will be drawn from the Government Authorities, International Labor
Organization, GBB Programme, academia and the private sector to co-ordinate the AFRICA GREEN BUSINESS
AWARDS- AGBA judging. This include judges based in Kenya as well as foreign experts bringing their international
expertise and experience to the judging process.

After all submissions have been received, all entries will be sent for the first round of review.

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